Three beautiful things
Monday of this week was a clear, sunny day. The colors are magnificent as the leaves change.
The boys and I went for a short trail walk to see the late season salmon spawning. The trail was lined with tall aspens, birch and cottonwoods all aglow with golden leaves. The random breeze carried the small aspen leaves off the branches only to let them float like snowflakes to the ground. The sunlight sparkled through the woods and moved the colors. The boys ran about and then stopped to watch the snowing leaves. No traffic noise, nothing except the rustling of leaves, a faint rush of river water, and little boys. I drank it in. Monday evening, my spirit was still refreshed from the beauty.
Lunchtime, Friday. The boys decided to sit at their little table instead of the regular kitchen table. Waiting patiently for their lunch plates. I dutifully placed cheese sprinkled pasta and tomato slices before them and instead of helping them thank God for their food I gave them the responsibility and walked away to the kitchen. And peaked. The eldest took charge and the younger closed his eyes too, while chewing a noodle. "Thank you Lord for this day and for our cups and thank you for our food. In Jesus' name we pray, amen."
Is it real in his heart yet? I pray everyday it will be. For now, it is mimicking dad and mom. Someday, we pray, He will be his one heart's desire.
Friday evening. Driving south with my boys. Snow has capped the mountains and the late sun is falling below rain clouds and shining light on the golden colors still hanging on the trees. Then, a combination of storm clouds, bright blue sky, snowcapped mountains, fall colors dazzling in the sunlight, and then on the other side, a fiery sky above the ocean and horizon.
Beauty for the purpose of our pleasure.